Paper Title Number 3
Your Name, You. (2015). "Paper Title Number 3." Journal 1. 1(3).
Your Name, You. (2015). "Paper Title Number 3." Journal 1. 1(3).
Asadi, E., Li, B., & Chen, I. (2018). Pictobot, A Cooperative Painting Robot for Interior Finishing of Industrial Developments. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 25, 82-94.
Adinehvand, M.; Asadi, E.; Lai, C.Y.; Khayyam, H.; Hoseinnezhad, R. Design and adaptive control of a kinematically redundant robot with enhanced trajectory tracking for climbing in tight spaces. Mech. Mach. Theory 2022, 177, 104994 .
Talk at UC San Francisco, Department of Testing, San Francisco, California
Tutorial at UC-Berkeley Institute for Testing Science, Berkeley CA, USA
Talk at London School of Testing, London, UK
Conference proceedings talk at Testing Institute of America 2014 Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA